dimanche 30 octobre 2011

Figurine terminée... Medieval kid 1... schéma de couleurs... colors scheme...


je viens de me rendre compte que j'ai oublié de donner la recette pour le medieval kid... je corrige le tir...

i forgot to give the recipe for the mediaval kid... i correct the shooting...

Peau / skin:
j'ai utlisé la recette d'olivier bredy / i used olivier bredy's recipe:
Ici / here

tunique / clothes:
black with more and more liquitex "pyrole red" heavy body for the red
black with more and more codex grey for black
i add on all the mini some glacis with catachan green

cuir / leather:
calthan brown + battlefield brow P3

mur / wall:
i used the 6 reds of the andrea color red kit
i add badab black less and less diluted
glacis with catachan green,
dry brush with khador red base and khardic flesh p3

i used oil paints like on the wall of the infinity sniper... same technique ;-)

mousse / moss:
catachan green
dry brush with thrall flesh and menoth white

rouille / rust:
scorched brown + orange

bye :-)

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